А вы• 20.09.2011 18:35
Хорошо, васька, тогда так: -- За какую бы сумму денег ты согласился бы провести в пикете три часа рабочего времени?
Сентябрь 2011 Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
А вы• 20.09.2011 18:35
Хорошо, васька, тогда так: -- За какую бы сумму денег ты согласился бы провести в пикете три часа рабочего времени?
Good• 20.09.2011 06:29
Have we gone completely nuts!!!???
Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. and brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow multi marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government programs!
So now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”!
Every time you add a new language to an American program, it requires an additional number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for themselves, and putting them in our welfare system?
Press 3 for Arabic...
This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely, for, as far as I know, no public announcement, or opportunity to vote on this was offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.
The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page, (as Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for...(get this).....English, Spanish, and ARABIC !!!
When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing 3 for ARABIC?"
Check it out for yourself!
Please inform every American you know, that this is happening. It is outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the tent! YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!!
васька, вот что тебя бы заставило выйти на демонстрацию?
А вы
А нахрена? Те, кто работают, им по демонстрациям ходить некогда. А вот всякие паскудники, которые сидят на пособиях, вечно норовят укусить руку, которая их кормит.