Фря, если есть возможность, то вали сразу. Это все равно ненадолго.
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Я не ту ссылку дал, вот Ляшко прилетело http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug_DN_4hSrc
"Все спят"
Да ладно, я уже давно проснулась.
Информация с места событий. Выбралась я из подвала в начале второго. Тихо было до жути. Пока всякими хозяйственными делами позанималась - почти два. Шум был слышен на востоке еще где-то с полчаса. Сегодня рассказали, что восточные районы дико бомбили именно после часу. Сегодня стреляли часов в девять, потом притихло. В Гражданской обороне сказали, что это ничего, но пару дней лучше посидеть дома, в городе действуют ДРГ. Посижу, чего уж.
Ляшко получил по ипалу, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZb5anzSxQ8
на 2:46
Злоботрясов ★★• 15.02.2015 09:40
Послушал, наконец, этого вашего Шустера.
Очень понравилась передача. Много запоминающихся смешных
моментов. Например этот:
Ариэль Коен, эксперт(из США) - украинцу Шустеру:
- Славик, я Вас умоляю
- Я Савик, но ничего
- Я и сказал "Савик"..
"Мы, гусские, дгуг дгуга не обманываем" (с) :)))
А мне обелиск не понравился своими гнусностями. и переь. если я вижу его, обязаельно стараюсь в его плюнуть. Я не могу иначе. Песня такая есть, Толкунова пела.
Простой ростовский парень, попыхивая самокруткой объясняет правила английского препоавателю из штатов. а ниледи бегает вокруг и повизгивает
Расшифровали снимки со спутника, которые продемонстрировала Псаки
Петя, это не ты в Копенгагене в синагоге стрелял?
Прочел я рассужения . если ВИ учит Чейтателя английскому языку - это просто смешно. ростовский парень начинает учить человека, постоянно живущего в шататах, английскому. ну вообще.
воббще язык постоянно меняется и быть в теме могту люди. которые постоянно им занимаются или живут в стране соотвествующей. А то. что Ниледи пару цитат притащила насчет обелиска- так обелиск свой гнусностью сам нарвался. Допрыгался, что называется.
Авраам Слепой• 15.02.2015 08:39
исламисты утверждают что она погибла от иорданской бомбёжки за сожжённого лётчика - госдеп подозревает что её под шумок шлёпнули...
Пластилиновая Ворона• 15.02.2015 06:15
2 Чейтатель
А когда конкретно на днях её убили? Можно ссылку на ваши газеты?
Vladimir Sidorov• 15.02.2015 05:58
Девчонку на днях кончили пидоры. На счет остальных - не знаю.
ПВ - ты мое мнение хочешь? Так я считаю, что их всех отутюжить ядерными бомбами следует, чтобы и духа от них не осталось.
четатель , ты чо сцука меня приплел. Я тебя за твой аглицкий ничего не
говорил, потому как мне похуй. Да и мнение которые ты сам пишешь от
лица студентов мне тоже по барабану.
Вообще на эту тему есть отличный ролик http://rutube.ru/video/7c806393a9705797d7e92c4a05493d5d/
Пластилиновая Ворона• 15.02.2015 05:54
2 Чейтатель
Ну их несколько заложников было? Это когда было вообще?
Vladimir Sidorov• 15.02.2015 05:41
Ну, начнем с того, что у меня суббота сейчас, и трезвым мне быть или пьяным - это мое дело. Но продложим тем, что я трезвый. Да, в шесть утра махнул стопку водки под хаш, как положено, но ты, надеюсь, не думаешь, что стопка водки пятнадцатичасовой давности меня оставляет пьяным?
А теперь главный вопрос, Сиукс - к чему ты все это сказал?
Вот я могу объяснить, к чему я вывалил отзывы своих студентов. Тут Олеееежка, Ваше имя, вдруг подумал, что я английский плохо знаю. Я спорить не стал, просто вывалил отзывы людей, которые со мной общаются икслючительно на английском.
А вот почему ты, Сиукс, стал интересоваться текущим состоянием моего сознания, мне не понятно.
Изволь, объяснись, а?
Vladimir Sidorov• 15.02.2015 05:25
Сиукс, я просто хороший преподаватель, который говорит на хорошем английском. Я бы хотел закрыть этот вопрос раз и навсегда, вот и все.
Vladimir Sidorov• 15.02.2015 05:12
Олееежка, чтобы ты не посчитал меня передергивателем, я тебе вываливаю целиком отзывы от моих студентов за прошлый семестр. Вот они:
Sidorov is a fantastic teacher. I would like him to put his notes on blackboard so I could study them. My notes were often
incomplete or rushed and not accurate. Towards the end of the year I would only write down the topics that he taught
and then looked it up in the text book.
Sidorov is an OUTSTANDING TEACHER. He speaks better English than most of my professor who are native
speakers. His thought process and communication are IMPECCABLE. He made a difficult class that I assumed would
be tortuous quite manageable! If I had to admit, it actually was pretty cool...don't tell anyone I said that... All due to
Sidorov! :)
Professor Sidorov does not teach. He writes down a reaction and expects the students to copy it down and know it off
the top of our heads. This is by far the worst course I've taken on top of it being the most difficult. His tests are ridiculous
to say the least. I will probably need to retake the course because of this.
Very knowledgeable about the subject matter but not very good at delivering lessons in a way to pass any of the
knowledge on to students. Also had a tendency to get off subject with talking about research that he had worked on and
completely lost the entire class.
Overall this was a good class. But there were some small issues that were prevalent throughout the semester. First,
you weren't available during your office hours. Second, The test were definitely fair but the quizzes many students had
trouble with that. My suggestions is to just reduce the amount of points the quizzes are worth so though don't have such
a great impact on a students overall grade. But again overall it was a good class and your enthusiasm definitely
sparked my interest for the subject
Thank you for teaching organic chemistry in a way that was easier to understand. Instead of just memorizing you taught
"why" a reaction yields the product it does. Thanks for making a challenging subject a little more understandable.
I wish you would reply to emails more often. I also kept missing sapling assignments because I never knew when they
VCU Course Evaluation System
were due. The due dates were so random to me.
I think that it will also have been really good to reopen sapling assignments as a study tool for the final and a boost for
It is very hard to comprehend the class lectures because Sidorov writes the notes as he is teaching. learning would be
easier if there were supplementary notes to help understand the class lectures.
It's refreshing to see a professor like Sidorov show some enthusiasm for a subject that is as daunting as this. He
would pull real world scenarios to help students understand the significance of what we were learning. His stories
would help me better recall what we were learning, as opposed to just note taking and cramming information for a test.
Professor Sidorov was very interested in teaching the subject of Organic Chemistry which in turn made me feel
interested. After our first review session for our first test, I remember him being a little angered and upset at the answer
differences between the students, and him explaining to us that we can not guess in Organic or we will fail and
emphasized that fact. The way he said it really changed my thoughts on him just being another lecturer to someone
who really wanted his students to understand and pass the class instead of just barely getting by, and I absolutely
admired that about him. That attitude is not something I see too often with most of my instructors, so it was refreshing. I
actually felt bad anytime I missed a class and that was just because I was sick! I liked my micro lab the most for this
semester of classes but if I wasn't taking it, Dr. Sidorov's class would definitely be my favorite for the whole semester.
Excellent lecturer, I'm just a blockhead student, sometimes.
Please pace lectures better.
Dr. Sidorov definitely knows his stuff, but I rarely felt like I learned. I spent 15+ hours each week studying and still
managed to fail every single one of the quizzes given and one of the exams. I felt like his notes were too much of
reactions and never any theory along with the reactions (several questions he asks are on theory.) I outlined every
single page in the book that corresponded to our notes and that is the only way that I somewhat learned something. I
did not miss a single class. I also did not like how his "extra points" required you to get up in front of the class and do a
reaction. If I do not feel comfortable with the material going over, I am not going to get up in front of 200+ students. I wish
I had taken advantage of his office hours to get 1-on-1 help; it may have saved my grade a bit.
Professor Sidorov explained everything thoroughly and made the subject less intimidating. I never thought I would have
the extent of understanding for organic chemistry that I obtained through this course.
You do a much better job at explaining reactions and mechanisms than some other professors *cough cough Baker*
He is awesome I just wish he would have been a bit more available but other than he was a great teacher
The means by earning extra points encourages students to come to class prepared and read ahead before each
lecture. This method is far more efficient in teaching students to fully understand the material being lectured and I feel
that I will retain much more of the course then if a curve of the final grade was offered.
Orgo has never been a strong suit of mine, this has been the 2nd time I have taken 302.. however, Dr. Sidorov's way of
teaching actually made the material easier to grasp and strengthened my learning the material. Dr. Sidorov is an
amazing professor and would recommend him to anyone who has had a hard time with Organic Chemistry.
I wish the homework was available when we were learning the chapters, not after we had an exam.
I could tell that Professor Sidorov really loved organic chemistry, was excited about research that he was doing in the
field, and wanted to try to impart upon us some of that excitement. He was good at explaining concepts and reaction
mechanisms and was always willing to answer questions or go over a tough concept again. I like him as a professor
and I think that he is a good professor, but I didn't like how some of the grading was done. He gives extra credit for
answering questions in class, but often it is the same people who answer the questions all the time. I'm someone who
needs time to think over the question before I can come up with an answer, and I prefer seeing things in writing as I
understand what is being asked better, but, inevitably, some people know the answer right away and blurt it out, and
then they get the extra credit points. So I thought that, in a way, while the opportunity for extra credit was meant to be
equal for all students, it didn't really give everyone the same chance to earn points. I am not particularly interested in
organic chemistry and only took it as a pre-requisite for another course and for graduate school, but I can say that I liked
Professor Sidorov and thought that he was a good professor, was available for helping students, and was genuinely
interested in helping us understand and appreciate the subject matter.
Dr. Sidorov definitely helped me to understand the material better than I ever had before. He is a very good professor
who definitely cares about the well-being of his students. My one reservation is the dates of quizzes and exams would
change relative to the syllabus, which was a little annoying, but overall I would definitely take another class with him
Syllabus was too lengthy. And the class duration seemed too long. There should be more review classes involving
problem solving and discussions.
Toughest class of my undergrad career. Blew Quantum physics out of the park. I love the material, read 3/4ths of the
book, used outside resources to learn, and feel that my understanding is far better than my grade will reflect.
Of all the chemistry professors I have taken, you are by far one of the greatest. Thanks for a good semester. Happy
VCU Course Evaluation System
The 40-50 homework problems due evert two weeks seemed a bit much. 20 -30 questions would be sufficient.
Even though the class didnt always understand the material he continued to try until everyone understood. Always tried
to relate what we were doing to real life and seemed excited about organic chemistry
Professor Sidarov is a very intimidating professor. He clearly knows what he's teaching and sometimes I felt he would
go too fast. Sometimes we would ask if he could slow down and I felt that he would feel bothered by it. Its hard writing
down and trying to understand the material mainly because you're so focused on writing everything down so you dont
miss material. His quizes were very tough and sometimes too broad. His tests were tough too but honestly, if well
prepared they were doable. Although his last test was very tough. I would recommend him going over the exam with us
after we have already gotten our tests back, if we have any questions. Other than that, it was an ok class. Orgo is tough
to begin with and having a tough professor makes it that much harder.
Instead of earning bonus points a curve would help everyone out a lot more. Many times I have felt too shy to go up or
someone with more confidence/a better understanding would go up instead. Most of the people who got the bonus
points did not need them, a curve would help everyone out more.
slow down a little with notes because students are trying to listen, understand, and copy the notes and you go to fast
ALL THE TIME! I had A LOT of blanks left in my notes because you would speed through
Я же тебе хочу указать на один из всех этих, вместе взятых:
"Sidorov is an OUTSTANDING TEACHER. He speaks better English than most of my professor who are native speakers. His thought process and communication are IMPECCABLE. He made a difficult class that I assumed would be tortuous quite manageable! If I had to admit, it actually was pretty cool...don't tell anyone I said that... All due to Sidorov! :)"
Олееежка, ты можешь нести какую хочешь хуйню совместно с валшебнегом, Плюхом, любопытным, и прочими, кто тебе верят безоговорочно. Просто, в следующий раз, когда ты им будешь рассказывать о том, как я плохо знаю английский, загляни в этот пост. Не повредит тебе это, дружок, совсем не повредит.
да не дай бог у тебя со мной про эрекцию.
Я пиво пью; а у тебя что в бокале?
нунепомнюялогин• 15.02.2015 04:38
А я про мышечные колебания у мальчиков и не знаю ничего. С чего ты взял?
мне не понравились твои рассуждния про мальчишеские мышечные колебания.
Не съела ль ты, случаем, на завтрак отравленную выдру?
"в том, что я плохо знаю английский?"
При чём тут твоё знание, придурок?
Открой любой словарь на слове Conscience.
И не забудь сходить на хуй.
Vladimir Sidorov• 15.02.2015 04:32
Олееежка, тупишь сейчас ты.
Или ты хочешь меня убедить в том, что я плохо знаю английский?
Минутку дай, я тебе сейчас очень прикольное мнение по мне в плане английского принесу.
нунепомнюялогин• 15.02.2015 04:32
Ну я тебе вкратце так мою биографию с географией рассказала. Теперь твоя очередь.
нунепомнюялогин• 15.02.2015 04:31
Ну давай тогда про оргазм.
У мальчиков ента штука наз. эрекцией, да? А у девочек оргазм как достижение самопроизвольного мышечного колебания что ли может сопровождаться выделениями, а может ими и не сопровождаться. Для более-менее спортивной жнщины оргазм не является проблемой.
Наивысшим блаженством считаю и тебе, Чейтатель, желаю - одномоментное произведение эрекции у него и оргазма у нее.
Воооова, не тупи.
Если у слова два значения, то это значит, что значения два. И не важно, как часто они употребляются.
(Ты сегодня все рекорды бьёшь. Свои же. И по мерзости, и по тупости)
"грабли детские должны быть, бо больнее бьют."
Ну да. Только больнее бьют они в том случае, когда есть, по чему попадать. Гексогеныч - не тот случай.
Vladimir Sidorov• 15.02.2015 04:26
Нет, Яна. Я просто считаю что каждая девочка имеет право на оргазм, и ты тоже.
Vladimir Sidorov• 15.02.2015 04:25
Олеежка, ничего страшного, ты ведь в англоязычных странах не жил, и чувствовать английские слова не можешь. Но я тебе помогу немного - если хотят сказать в смысле сознания, то скажут - mind. А вот в плане совести - именно что conscience.
чтобы замуж выскочить в Алжире -
Нужно в весе быть и в жире.
(Арабские предпочтения насчёт девственниц широко известны)
нунепомнюялогин• 15.02.2015 04:21
А ты мне скажи сначала:
1. Надо ли таки сведения для науки
2. Скока они стоют.
"Conscience по-английски совесть"
Воооова, помимо того, что ты истероид и человек-говно, ты ещё и беспросветно тупой.
Как вопрос звучал?
Вот так он звучал - "Есть у них слово, которое однозначно означает "совесть"?"
А у Conscience сколько значений?
Да, как минимум, два. Совесть и сознание.
Воооова, ты беспросветно туп.