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!20.12.2003 21:48

Иди ты нах, чмо опущенное

Дедушка Вжик20.12.2003 21:01

Эй, падонки! Вылазейте!

Аня20.12.2003 20:39

Кто такой постоялец?
Виртуальность сплошная. Тебя кто-то любит, а ты даже не знаешь кто.
Хотя может это я недопоняла. Может это он не меня любит, а КЖП. Или просто любит цитировать. Вот пойми ж ты.

Постоялец20.12.2003 18:11

Я Аню процитировал в КЖП

sorenta20.12.2003 10:10

Трахальд, канешна :)) нам это больше импонирует,чем какое другое имя. Тут и опера вагнеровская откликается, и другие "вальды" и трахи. Так и слышу: трубы с барабанами - трахальд, трахальд, трахальд. А вокруг - сказка Венского леса, и бельфамы в широкополых шляпах и платьях с кружевами, вальсируют с Трахальдами, трам-пам-пам, трам-пам-пам.

20.12.2003 03:08

Russia's cult video pirate rescripts Lord of the Rings as gangster film

Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Sunday June 22, 2003
The Observer

They call him the Goblin. He is the new toast of Russia's massive
pirate video industry, his films sought all over Moscow. The trick of
his silver screen success is that the Goblin redubs Hollywood movies,
using his own 'better' Russian alternative to the script. A former
senior police investigator from St Petersburg, Dmitri Puchkov began by
making fresh translations to replace the appalling subtitles on
pirated films. But now his cult following has found pan-Russian
appeal, with a ground-breaking rewrite of the first two parts of The
Lord of the Rings.

In a move that has taken the Russian pirate disk world by storm and
infuriated traditionalists and copyright lawyers, Puchkov has
completely changed the script, turning the 'good' characters, like
Frodo, into bumbling Russian cops, and the 'bad' Orcs into Russian

The new, irreverent version of The Lord of the Rings is set in Russia.
Frodo Baggins is renamed Frodo Sumkin (a derivative from the Russian
word sumka, or bag). The Ranger, Aragorn, is called Agronom (Russian
for farm worker). Legolas is renamed Logovaz, after a Russian car
company famed for its Ladas. Boromir becomes Baralgin, after a Russian
type of paracetemol.

Gandalf spends much of the film trying to impress others with his
in-depth knowledge of Karl Marx, and Frodo is cursed with the filthy
tongue of a Russian criminal.

The films - which Puchkov says were originally made for his close
friends but have now gone out on the internet - have found cult appeal
in Russia's crowded pirate market, where a pirated, high-quality DVD
in both Russian and English costs ?5. That is all ordinary Russians,
who earn only $300 a month in Moscow, can afford. The Russian pirate
industry is worth $311 million, and has grown by 25 per cent since
last year, pirates making more than 40 million disks a year.

For his next blockbuster, Puchkov, who learnt English at a police
society, is said to be planning a comic Russian version of Star Wars.

Длинношеее.20.12.2003 01:46

>>> В Приложениях у него написано, что Туки и Брэндибаки и Бэггинсы - это адаптированный для английского читателя перевод с языка хоббитов, и приводятся настоящие имена. Так что назвать в русском переводе Фродо Федей было бы вполне закономерно.

А Голлума на самом деле первоначально звали то ли Нахальд, то ли Трахальд... (см. те же приложения)

sorenta20.12.2003 00:44


Слепой Пью20.12.2003 00:10

