Max• 25.02.1999 16:50
I like to read Aforisms. Couple of month before it used to be at least 10 aforisms on a page and addition "ostalnye aforismy" where you could find more than 50 of them.
My question: WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPEND ? Now it is only 5 aforisms on a page and there is no addition "ostalnye aforismy" !!! Where did the fuck you put them ?
Your page becoming very bad !!! You have to do something about it !
Thank you for your time !!!
http://fuck knows
GSG• 25.02.1999 13:18
Классный сайт! Я уже около года на него заглядываю каждое утро. Одна просьба к авторам: господа, пишите грамотнее, pls.
Dr.КУЛЬ• 25.02.1999 11:31
Сново сдесь побывал
ПРИВЕТ ВСЕМ И СПАСИБО !!!!-))))))))))))))))))0
Andrei• 25.02.1999 03:56
Eto dlya vsex tex mudakov kororie obrugivaut etot site:
1.sxodite v blejaishiy larek i kupite tam samiy bol'shoi
ogurec, chto naidete.
2.po prixody domoi, ybedites' chto za vami nikto ne sledit
3.proidite v vannyu komnaty i razdentes' do gola
4.a teper' nagnites' i zasun'te sebe etot ogurec v jopy
klassniy site, y vsex tex kotorie "trebyut" chego to bol'shego ot togo, za chto ne platyat, ogurci v jopax, tak chto nechego ix slushat'
keep on keeping on